My Genius Hour Performance

In Genius Hour I built a website, a potential online store. I was not interested in making a website at all because I have no previous experience or interest. In the Genius Hour I learned how to make and edit a website, giving it all the good stuff you desire. If I was to grade myself I would give myself a 85% because I believe that I could’ve done more, but I didn’t know it was really going to be this important. My Genius Hour presentation didn’t help anyone else except myself, it helped mentally to work harder on my next Genius Hour topic in order to achieve a higher grade. I believe my presentation was quite good, but next time I need to put more effort into it and memorize better. For my next Genius Hour, I either want to build a castle out of cardboard, research can you do anything with science, or try to Inspire people.

My Presentation

My Website (Online Store) Pictures:  Webs - SiteBuilder Pic 1Webs - SiteBuilder Pic 2

Webs - SiteBuilder Pic 3Webs - SiteBuilder 4

Overall, for me I think Genius Hour is a really good thing to be implemented by students in schools. It helps us discover our potential of how we can change the world one step at a time at such a young age. I can’t wait to begin my next Genius Hour project, hoping that this time it helps everyone around me, including animals.